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Trailer Chainsaw Man tradus în limba romana
Visul lui Denji este unul modest — să trăiască o viață liniștită, petrecând timp alături de o fată care-i place. Totuși, așa ceva nu este posibil, fiindcă Denji este obligat de Yakuza să omoare demoni pentru a-și plăti datoria enormă. Folosindu-și demonul de companie, Pochita, el este dispus să facă orice pentru niște bani.
Când nu mai este de niciun folos, el este ucis de un demon ce avea un pact cu Yakuza. Ca prin minune, Pochita se contopește cu corpul lui Denji și îi oferă abilitățile Demonului-Drujbă. Având acum puterea să-și transforme părți din corp în drujbe, Denji reînvie și își folosește noile abilități să scape de inamici în mod brutal și rapid. Îi atrage atenția unui vânător de demoni care sosise la fața locului și i se oferă posibilitatea să lucreze la Biroul Siguranței Publice ca unul dintre ei. Având tot ce-i trebuie pentru a înfrunta și cei mai crunți adversari, lui Denji nu-i mai stă nimic în calea împlinirii visurilor sale simple de adolescent.
Descriere Chainsaw Man
Denji has a simple dream—to live a happy and peaceful life, spending time with a girl he likes. This is a far cry from reality, however, as Denji is forced by the yakuza into killing devils in order to pay off his crushing debts. Using his pet devil Pochita as a weapon, he is ready to do anything for a bit of cash.
Unfortunately, he has outlived his usefulness and is murdered by a devil in contract with the yakuza. However, in an unexpected turn of events, Pochita merges with Denji’s dead body. And grants him the powers of a chainsaw devil. Now able to transform parts of his body into chainsaws. A revived Denji uses his new abilities to quickly and brutally dispatch his enemies. Catching the eye of the official devil
Denji has a simple dream—to live a happy and peaceful life, spending time with a girl he likes. This is a far cry from reality, however, as Denji is forced by the yakuza into killing devils in order to pay off his crushing debts. Using his pet devil Pochita as a weapon, he is ready to do anything for a bit of cash.
Unfortunately, he has outlived his usefulness and is murdered by a devil in contract with the yakuza. However, in an unexpected turn of events, Pochita merges with Denji’s dead body and grants him the powers of a chainsaw devil. Now able to transform parts of his body into chainsaws, a revived Denji uses his new abilities to quickly and brutally dispatch his enemies. Catching the eye of the official devil hunters who arrive at the scene, he is offered work at the Public Safety Bureau as one of them. Now with the means to face even the toughest of enemies, Denji will stop at nothing to achieve his simple teenage dreams.

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