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Rinne no Lagrange – Episodul 15
Gabs 07/01/2023 0 254
Rinne no Lagrange – Episodul 15
Midori Gabs Zerox AraZeL
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Rinne no Lagrange

Vizionare placuta la Rinne no Lagrange episodul 15 subtitrat, Rinne no Lagrange ep 15 rosub. Rinne no Lagrange sezonul 2 subtitrat in romana. Rinne no Lagrange sezonul 2 episodul 3 rosub.

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Secvențe din Rinne no Lagrange episodul 15 subtitrat

Madoka Kyouno is the sole member of the Jersey Club, a school club dedicated to helping people. The seaside town of Kamogawa gives Madoka plenty of opportunities, and she’s always prepared to lend a hand. Or even save a life, which is what happens one day when she rescues a mysterious silver-haired girl from drowning. The girl turns out to actually be an alien princess nicknamed Lan.

Lan wants Madoka to pilot an Ovid, a robotic aircraft that can transform from an airplane into a bipedal mecha. Despite only learning about them that day, Madoka has vague memories regarding one specific Ovid, the green Vox Aura. Lan herself is connected to the blue Vox Lympha and another alien girl called Muginami is bonded to the orange Vox Ignis.

The three of them work together with the military organization Nuvomundos to combat the members of the alien organization of Kiss. Kiss’s leader, Lord Villagulio from the planet De Metrio, wants to get his hands on the Vox Units so he can destroy the Polyhedron Federation and their planet Le Garite. And he doesn’t care who he hurts in order to accomplish this goal.

As if the threat of imminent warfare wasn’t enough, an legend about the Voxes hovers over the Jersey Club’s head: when the green, blue, and orange demons awake, the end of the world is nigh.

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Despre serie

Madoka Kyouno Rinne no Lagrange online rosub, unica membră a Clubului Jersey al Liceului de Fete Kamogawa, este o fată energetică și plină de pasiune.

Viața ei este dată peste cap când, deodată, este întrebată de o fată misterioasă numită Lan dacă vrea să piloteze un robot.
Motivată de dorința ei de a proteja locuitorii și orașul Kamogawa, Madoka acceptă să piloteze robotul Vox.
Acesta a fost readus la viață pentru a se lupta împotriva extratereștrilor care au venit să atace Pământul.

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